Crystal Theater - Chesaning MI

Address: Broad and Chapman
City: Chesaning
State: MI
Zip: 48616
County: Saginaw
Open: 1935
Capacity: 242
Owner History: Ashmun Theatres
Theater Type: Small Town Movie Palace
Number of visits to this page: 13678

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Brian Devereaux

I think I have another theater to add to the Saginaw county list. When I got together with family members this last weekend and I asked about them the Town theater in Chesaning, it was brought up that there was another theater in town called the Crystal. I have little information, just the name and approximate location, near the Malt Shop which is at the corner of Broad and Chapman.

Source: Joe Stanuszek

I remember going there when I was 3 (fall 1950). First time seeing a moving picture. The outdoor box office brightly painted with lots of light bulbs. There were a couple of steps up to enter the building. Wooden folding seats attached to the floor maybe 15- 20 in a row. Two bathrooms at the back the size of walk-in closets along with a table and coat rack. Popcorn was 5 cents -the bag had a big 5 on it.

Shocking when the lights off and the projector started. It was a black/ white cartoon with dancing animals and a mouse at the wheel of a steamboat (Disney's Steamboat Willy?). Movie was Snow White. Bright colors were amazing - Most memorable were the 7 dwarfs singing while working the mine. The theater closed within a week or so after, I recall Mom saying a new one was to be built.

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Crystal Theater - Aug 1942 Help Wanted
Aug 1942 Help Wanted
Crystal Theater - Chesaning Argus Jan 1947
Chesaning Argus Jan 1947
Crystal Theater - Mar 1946 Bowling Result
Mar 1946 Bowling Result © 2024 Over 71,878,378 Served